Decades of experience in designing and manufacturing diode-pumped solid-state (DPSS),CW Green Laser have been distilled into the range of products offered by Lighthouse Photonics. Our unique designs result in tangible benefits such as near-zero noise and extreme power stability. Near diffraction-limited beams allow the products to be used in a wide variety of precision scientific and industrial applications.
Seal™ enclosure keeps all dirt, dust and moisture out of the laser head to provide years of usage without any cleaning or maintenance
LockT™ optics mounting locks all laser head optics permanently in perfect alignment
Noise Elimination Technology (NET™) provides virtually noise-free performance
Compact laser heads and power supplies minimize the space consumed in your lab or instrument
CW Green Laser Applications:
- Pumping Ti:Sapphire lasers: ultrafast & continuous-wave • Pumping dye lasers
- Flow visualization, PIV • Flow cytometry • Spectroscopy