Plymouth Grating Laboratory (PGL)

Home/Plymouth Grating Laboratory (PGL)

    Two-dimensional (2D) Grating

    Two-dimensional gratings are ideal for positioning and metrology applications that require exceptional accuracy (~ nanometers or less) over a long range (~ millimeters or more). These requirements are found in the semiconductor, precision manufacturing, and biological imaging fields, to name a few. Often displacement measuring interferometers (DMIs) could provide a solution, but might also [...]

    Two-dimensional (2D) Grating2024-03-19T11:12:31+08:00

      Transmission Grating

      Transmission gratings require very deep groove depths to achieve high diffraction efficiency into the desired order – typically 3 – 10 times deeper than MLD and gold gratings. PGL has developed a deep etch process based on reactive ion etching (RIE) capable of attaining > 2.5 μm groove depths directly in fused silica substrates. [...]

      Transmission Grating2024-03-19T09:42:22+08:00

        Hybrid Gratings

        Hybrid gratings are a cross between multilayer dielectric (MLD) and gold gratings. Like MLD gratings, they comprise an all-dielectric, partial transmission grating over a highly reflecting mirror; however, hybrid gratings utilize a metallic mirror instead of a dielectric one. As a result, this type of grating can in principle realize the best performance characteristics [...]

        Hybrid Gratings2024-03-19T09:21:22+08:00

          Gold Grating

          The superior performance of PGL gold gratings comes from our proprietary gold coating process that produces a conformal coating which results in higher diffraction efficiency. We have placed an emphasis on this process because we have recognized that gold-over-glass coating is crucial to good grating performance. The coatings are also highly uniform over very [...]

          Gold Grating2024-03-18T11:02:55+08:00

            High Energy Laser Spectral Beam Combining Gratings

            PGL’s innovative combination of thin-film coating technology with grating design and fabrication know-how allows the diffraction efficiency, wavefront, LIDT, and power-handling capability required for Spectral Beam Combining (SBC) laser systems. Benefits High nonpolarizing Diffraction Efficiency Excellent Diffracted Wavefront Error High Laser-Induced Damage Threshold (LIDT) Low absorption to avoid heating effects Superior [...]

            High Energy Laser Spectral Beam Combining Gratings2024-03-18T10:28:13+08:00

              Multilayer Dielectric (MLD) Diffraction Gratings

              PGL has been supplying MLD gratings to many of the world’s largest ultrahigh- intensity laser installations for over a decade. The combination of thin-film coating with grating design and fabrication makes it possible to greatly improve diffraction efficiency, laser damage threshold, and wavefront of the compressed short pulse. Gratings for pulse compression have very [...]

              Multilayer Dielectric (MLD) Diffraction Gratings2024-03-18T10:29:50+08:00