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    Slim Liner

    The Slim Liner is the single frequency laser that offers an intrinsic optical linewidth narrower than 1 Hz, ultra-low phase/frequency noise as well as shot noise limited relative intensity noise above a few hundred of kHz. It includes UTI grid single frequency lasers, optically referenced single frequency lasers, and tunable single frequency lasers. Other [...]

    Slim Liner2023-04-28T09:51:00+08:00

      Optical Frequency Discriminator

      SILENTSYS is offering photonics products that are compact, plug and play, easy to use, and cost-effective systems. Moreover, they feature cutting-edge performance being for example suitable for laser frequency noise characterization and/or for laser frequency stabilization to drastically reduce the optical full width at half maximum linewidth. Covering  wavelength range from UV, VIS, NIR [...]

      Optical Frequency Discriminator2023-04-24T09:27:41+08:00

        Optical Frequency Correlator

        The OFC system is composed of commune 2-inputs optical frequency discriminator. This enables to frequency stabilized two wavelength distant lasers onto the same optical reference in order to reduce their frequency fluctuations and to correlated them as much as possible. Based on this fact, the optical beat note between the two stabilized lasers generates [...]

        Optical Frequency Correlator2023-04-28T09:46:51+08:00


          The ALM-05 module is a plug and play ultralow noise power supply that delivers 1 voltage of maximum 3A with unprecedent level of ripple, those in a compact and user-friendly package.



            The ALM-01 module is a plug and play ultralow noise power supply that delivers 3 voltages of maximum 1.3 A each with unprecedent level of ripple, those in a compact and user-friendly package. Specifications - Number of outputs: 3 - Output voltages: 5 V, 12 V, 15 V (custom values on request) - Output [...]
