IMRA products

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    FCPA – Fiber Chirped Pulse Amplification (FCPA) laser

    IMRA's Fiber Chirped Pulse Amplification (FCPA) laser was introduced to the market in 2004 and has steadily proven its industrial reliability. Based on this patented technology, the powerfully designed new FCPA μJewel products are available in the DE, DX and DH series, delivering high pulse energy and average power. The femtosecond pulse energy range [...]

    FCPA – Fiber Chirped Pulse Amplification (FCPA) laser2024-04-03T11:16:36+08:00

      Femtolite Femtosecond Laser System

      IMRA's Femtolite F/G/H series of compact fiber laser systems are ideal femtosecond light sources for metrology applications in industrial environments. They are also an excellent alternative to Ti:Sapphire lasers in scientific research environments. The wavelength range of the F/G/H series is 805, 810 and 1620 nm. Uniquely, the HX-150 provides dual outputs at both [...]

      Femtolite Femtosecond Laser System2024-04-03T11:08:19+08:00

        Mode-Locked Lasers, F2F Modules and Locked Controllers

        In addition to optical combs and optical comb systems suitable for various applications, IMRA can provide mode-locked lasers at the following wavelengths, f2f modules for optical combs, locking controllers, and amplification and beat frequency modules. 1) Mode-locked laser IMRA can provide mode-locked lasers at the following wavelengths to meet your different wavelength and power [...]

        Mode-Locked Lasers, F2F Modules and Locked Controllers2024-04-03T10:55:14+08:00

          Fiber Optic Comb and Microwave Generation System

          IMRA America offers a high performance frequency comb for advanced metrology applications, such as optical clocks and comb spectroscopy. The rack-mounted comb integrates easily, especially where a portable system is premium. An all-erbium platform, the frequency comb comes with fiber-coupled outputs and provides ultra-low phase noise, timing jitter, and superior frequency stability. IMRA provides [...]

          Fiber Optic Comb and Microwave Generation System2024-04-03T10:54:03+08:00