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    ID281 Superconducting Nanowire Series

    Push the limits of your photonic experiments and applications to new heights with our Swiss-made superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPDs), combining incredibly high detection efficiency, timing precision, low noise, and fast recovery time. The ID281 Series of SNSPDs are IDQ’s ultimate combination of high-performance single-photon detection, simple and robust cryogenics, and best-in-class time-tagging and [...]

    ID281 Superconducting Nanowire Series2023-04-27T17:24:12+08:00

      ID230 Infrared Single Photon Detector

      The ID230 delivers reliable and robust telecom-wavelength single-photon detection, with the performance and versatility of a semiconductor system. With the ID230, unwanted detector noise is uniquely low. With an advanced cooling system and best-in-class device control electronics, the temperature of the ID230’s InGaAs/InP avalanche photodiode can be cooled stably to -90°C, giving detector dark [...]

      ID230 Infrared Single Photon Detector2023-04-24T09:29:45+08:00

        ID120 Visible Single-Photon Detector

        IDQ’s ID120 Series consists of compact and affordable single-photon detector modules, based on a reliable silicon avalanche photodiode sensitive in the visible wavelength range. The detectors of the ID120 series have high detection efficiency in the red region of the visible spectrum and an ultra-high active area. This new detector comes as a free [...]

        ID120 Visible Single-Photon Detector2023-04-25T10:51:51+08:00

          ID101 OEM Visible Photon Counter

          OEM Visible Photon Counter is intended for large-volume OEM applications. It is the smallest, most reliable, and most efficient single-photon detector on the market, consisting of a CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) silicon chip packaged in a standard TO5-8pin header with a transparent window cap. The chip combines either a 20 μm (ID101-20) or a [...]

          ID101 OEM Visible Photon Counter2023-04-27T17:26:31+08:00

            ID100 Visible Single-Photon Detector

            IDQ’s ID100 Series consists of compact and affordable single photon detector modules with best-in-class timing resolution and state-of-the-art dark count rate based on a reliable silicon avalanche photodiode sensitive in the visible spectral range: 350-900 nm. With a timing resolution of only 40 ps and a dead time of 45 ns, this module outperforms [...]

            ID100 Visible Single-Photon Detector2023-04-24T09:45:45+08:00

              ID Qube NIR – Free Running & Gated

              The ID Qube NIR Free-Running brings a major breakthrough for single-photon detection in free-running operation at telecom wavelengths. It provides a cost-effective solution for applications in which asynchronous photon detection is essential, such as photon correlation or time of flight measurements. Moreover, it is especially suited for applications such as LiDAR, where compactness is [...]

              ID Qube NIR – Free Running & Gated2023-04-28T09:25:22+08:00

                ID 3000 Series – Picosecond Lasers

                ID 3000 Series Picosecond Lasers is a cost-effective solution offering high-quality picosecond-pulsed laser light under long term and maintenance-free operation. Both free space and fibre-coupled versions are available to handle virtually any optical application. An ID 3000 Series laser can be used with IDQ single photon detectors and Time Controller Series to enrich a [...]

                ID 3000 Series – Picosecond Lasers2023-04-28T09:34:33+08:00

                  Clavis XG QKD System

                  Clavis XG QKD System can be deployed in any network configuration that requires high key throughput or includes long distance links. It is well suited for point-to-point, relay for extended distances, ring or star topologies. At each QKD network node, an embedded Key Management System (KMS) software arbitrates the key distribution between QKD and [...]

                  Clavis XG QKD System2023-04-28T09:37:30+08:00